1- Belief : in God there is no God Except ALLAH and prophet Muhammed is His messenger
2- Prayer : to establish the prayers
3- Charity : to give (Zakah) purification of your money : 2.5 your saving once a year Example for 100$ you have to pay just 2.5$
4- Fasting : (Saum) to fast the month of Ramadan
5- Pilgrimage : (Hajj) to make pilgrimage to Makkah, if one is able to do so

Iman : To believe
1- in Allah
2- His Angels
3- His Books
4- in meeting Him
5- to believe in His Messengers
6- the Resurrection and the predestination

Ihsan : "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, He sees you." This is the definition of Ihsan as stated by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam).